Thursday, June 17, 2010

Just thinking.....

Sometimes a perfectly odd feeling overtakes me and I sit at the computer and want to blog. No reason that I can identify, just a need to sort out my thoughts and mind and it results in a blogging session. I suppose the Blog Time could be similar to someone coming home, sitting down with a cup of coffee with a spouse, and reviewing things.

When the kids were growing up, our family had this incredibly hilarious habit of stopping whatever we were doing after a party, dinner, gathering or visit from friends, and 'reviewing' in our own language,using our own grading system and without other people present. Kind of like a Report card by Ribeiro. If a friend was over they rarely were included, but as soon as they left, out came the heads and in came the comments.

"Did you like the interactions between _____ and ____?", "How about that dress she wore?" '" Was there enough food?" (this one was my normal inquiry!)"I think next time less veggies and more drinks", "Can you believe she brought such and so who wasn't even invited?!" Well, you get the idea, just a little bit of gossip and gab thrown into the Ribeiro blender and sorted out and served amongst ourselves. It seemed so normal and non -threatening , certainly not critical or mean, just fun and distinctively our own.

I think that is what I miss the most about the girls leaving to begin their own homes and families. The Gab Sessions After the Events . I went to the last day of school for the year meeting today and am dying to talk about the ridiculously unimportant things. But alas, none to gab with and the need to ready for the next activity, taking care of Ethan.

I have been chatting with God alot about this weather, the beauty of His creation, the need to just love the moment and live in it, as opposed to wishing for something else and looking forward to the next acceptably fun event. Even this week I was thinking about going away and getting a break from the routine and almost missed appreciating the beautiful time the family was having being together at the beach in Ocean City.

The skies were beautiful, the family all happy to be together at the ocean, the Mack 'n Manco still the best boardwalk pizza around.....
What a blessing that was , restoring me for a day.

As I was writing this, Ethan dashed by me with a box of chalk "uncaJosh' gave him, for the driveway, smiling as if he had been given a million dollars. I pray he stays excited about the little things.

Becca called with a quick inquiry as to how to preheat an oven already overheated. We decided the off and back on system would work best, chatted a few more minutes and bid each other a fun afternoon doing very different activities.

You see how my mind goes?

I had begun this blog to write my thoughts about son Paul graduating from Law School recently. Between work, grandsons, sons showing me resumes, beginnings of making an empty garage , eating some lunch(I did make a tasty chicken the other evening :-) ) and a phone call, I am done with the great Blog.

1 comment:

1decision said...

Either the girl wearing that blue bikini has an ENORMOUS top, or that seagull is one of the tiniest birds I have ever seen.