Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Diversity and Tolerance

The last few days have been causing me to challenge some of the current politically correct decisions of the day. I have spouted off at work and realized nobody even dares comment on something if it is a topic of a religious nature. It seems politics is fair game, but religion is still off the chart.

So what else is a Blog for? along with freedom of speech and growth in grace, I am covered adequately and will sound off.

Rosh Hashannah, the immediate reason for my Blogging, is being celebrated by the Jewish Community , one of their 2 more Holy holidays. I am told that Yom Kippur is holier, and that is next Thursday. I have co-workers and know of people who will miss work and school and not even be questioned because of this stated holiday. The last 2 days my co-worker has fled the scene of work and all because of the holidays. Now she also celebrated early this last weekend with friends because they traveled better then, but she still wanted off on the holiday. Also, to add to the wonder of it all, she is not a practicing Jewish person as she has told me it is too expensive to be part of a Synagogue.

Further, this is the second person who has told me they do not participate in the Synagogue because of expense! I was shocked and saddened that God cannot be worshipped by them corporately because of the dollar.

My surprise was made more profound as I saw that not only was all homework cancelled in the school I work in for 2 days because of these holidays, but also the news media announced that Congress would be 'closed until Thursday ' because of the Jewish Holidays!! Now our country is in a financial crisis, according to all of the people in the know, and yet Rosh Hashannah has shut down Congress! I mentioned that perhaps God was OK with Congress fixing the mess of our country this week, and was looked at as if I had threatened the Pope. Oh my, I am just wondering what is going on here.

When I was growing up, many , many years ago, the celebrations of religions other than Christianity was barely mentioned publicly. I am not saying whether this is right or wrong, as that would be yet another Blog. What i am saying is that now it is not only mentioned but flaunted in front of us as if to ignore it was blasphemous.

I am all for diversity and tolerance. I love the dialogue that ensues when someone discovers a truth that they had never experienced , as when I read that on Rosh Hashannah you eat a round Challah Bread to signify the New Year being full of new seasons and ever circling round. I rarely meet people I do NOT like, no matter their race or religions. I think it is healthy and wonderful to teach our families of other religions and ideas. What I find uncomfortable and unfair is that the Jewish Holidays, or any others for that matter, are held HIGHER than the others. Everyone in the USA gets off for Thanksgiving, a traditionally Christian observance of Thankfulness to God . Can't I, a practicing believer in Jesus Christ, otherwise known as a Christian, celebrate and get off work early because of something on my calendar?

My daughter suggested this morning that when we go to our cabin and write Christmas
cards this fall, we call it a Holy Holiday and skip out of work early because it can be called Holy. Let me see if I can convince Congress to shut down then....there isn't much reason for them to be open in November anyway.

I'm just thinking out loud.

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