Friday, August 21, 2009

Vacation from Work, not from Thinking

If I had Webster's Dictionary next to me, or if I knew how to go from writing a Blog to searching the Internet in one sleek movement, I would look up the meaning of Vacation.

It is most likely going to use the word respite, or relax, or perhaps break from normal.

As a background comment, my summer job this year included working part time hours for the School where I work full time during the year. It was an easy job, not much stress, and gave me time to enjoy more than a cup of coffee in the mornings. I was truly thankful to God for such a job as this!

However, the time frame element of summer camp was not the best, leaving me with one day between the school year and starting the Summer Camp , but it was an interesting first year of operation for this Camp and the experiences were Fun! I needed a Break.

The problems for me began when we ended the summer job on August 14, and our official 3 week vacation began before the beginning of a new school year! Vacation simply means Vacation, which simply means Go Someplace. Take scads of pictures of unique and wonderful places, share with everyone when you return all about your Vacation, and Do NOT do normal activities! No Way.

The children need babysitting for the grand kids? "I am so sorry,I am busy,I am on Vacation."

"I won't be able to come to church and attend our Bible Study group this week, have you heard? I am on Vacation!"

The cat and dog getting food on a semi-daily basis? Well, since I am on Vacation, I had better make sure the sons are checking in regularly to feed the animals. "OK throw a few flakes of food into the fish bowl as well."

My best girlfriends , who usually only have availability on weekends when their other life activities aren't a priority, certainly must be anxious to see me, spend time with me, talk to's my Vacation. I have OFF three weeks, we can arrange something, to be sure.

Maybe I will drive to South Carolina and spend time with my oldest son and his family, especially visiting again my newest number 11 precious grandson.

Of course it is an 11 hour drive to the place where they are staying now, the other parents home. I have an older van to take the trip in , and coincidentally the summer heat wave has decided to plant itself firmly on the entire east coast, which normally is not a problem. I do not have any air conditioning in the van, however, and the heat has never been tolerated well by my upstate New York body. As I wait for the heat wave to break, the days do seem to be passing by fairly rapidly.

Two of my daughters took a trip there last week and rented a 15 passenger van to accomplish their Vacation goals. It was a Sisters Gathering in Myrtle Beach , and lasted a full 8 days of air-conditioned van rides and beaches and fun! I was truly happy for them , all the time looking forward to a similarly enjoyable Vacation of my own.

It has been suggested by those in my life who love me and want to help solve my life struggles, that I rent a vehicle. Now that summer job I mentioned? Well, the money I earned for working this summer is slowly accumulating for a purpose- to purchase another newer vehicle should this steady non air-conditioned one break anytime soon! To use the cash for such a temporary purpose seems unwise. I am all about wisdom.

Tennessee is where my siblings and mom reside, about an 11 hour ride out West toward more heat. I could go visit them for my Vacation, since I haven't seen some of them in awhile. Same wisdom utilized.

I am fairly smart,really, in spite of the inner workings within my active brain.

I am fully aware of the Enemy of my Soul tapping on my shoulder as he is planted firmly in my life. There are some who might dispute the world of spiritual warfare, and I would not be one of them. I have seen very up close and personally how something that God began as a good thing , has been ripped and torn and nearly shredded apart from the claws of the Roaring Lion . My God Glorifying, Loving and Worshipping Family, my own precious Covenant household of Faith has been under attack for almost 8 years, and there is no sign of it ending.

There is a passage in Habakkuk in the Old Testament of the Bible that says:

"Though the fig tree does not bud, and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails, and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Saviour. The Sovereign Lord is my strength, He makes my feet like the feet of a deer, He enables me to go on the heights." Habakkuk ends with these words.

I will paraphrase this passage for my current life condition:

"Though the weeds in my garden overtake my flowers, though my two tomato plants shriveled up and died,and my pepper plants look pathetic. Though the animals who at one time comforted me continue to cause me work and frustration, and the sons who are my youngest struggle with poor choices and unwise activities, I will rejoice in the Lord. Though I stay home on my Vacation and have no breaks from the mundane world of singleness I find myself living in, I will be joyful in God my Husband and Saviour. Though the enemy waits nagging and trying to make me discontent with my daily routine, I will be thankful and thank God for His guiding Hand of Love and kindness, for His granting me good health and Happy times with grandchildren,for His giving me a job to pay my bills and a circle of friends to laugh with. The Sovereign Lord is my strength. The Covenant God of Habakkuk is my Hope. The Lord is my Shepherd, I will lack nothing."

Two weeks left of my Vacation, time from work and people who do not really care about whether I am rested or stressed. I am going to Rest in the Lord. I am going to be content to feed the silly cat, annoying dog and never-die fish. I have 14 days more to read books and more time to relax in the beautifully air conditioned home the Lord has given me! I am absolutely certain that when my van squeals for the very last time,the Lord will have me able to purchase another one with all the dollars I have carefully laid aside. Wisdom has a good and practical side.

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