Saturday, May 15, 2010

Two days ago I was eagerly awaiting news of a babies birth, one almost in the family. My daughter's sister-in-law was in labor. She had asked for prayer as she knew she was to be induced and laboring is a process that is often filled with unexpected turns and difficulties. Those who know the Lord as their Help in times of need often ask others to pray for them. I was praying and waiting.

Simultaneously, my birthday was coming up. In the typical American lifestyle, certain birthdays are milestones and the turning of the decades seems to be more noteworthy than others, like , say 59. Two days until my official turning; three days until the kids throw me an Open House of friends and family celebrating with me.

Life was bursting with expectancy.

Unknown to me, in the state of Michigan , another life was changing, soon to impact many people, some of whom I call friends. My son-in-law's uncle Pete was gone from this world, entering eternity after an unpleasant battle with cancer. My friend, Jan, losing her older brother and becoming, by default, the oldest sibling in a close knit family.

Life was ending abruptly.

My emotions were so mixed! Two daughter's mother-in-laws and two exact opposite life experiences happening the exact same day. How does one rejoice and weep with friends,at the same time, still anticipating with Joy a family celebration? We three are all at similar places in life, aging by grace while adult children are beginning the journey, and yet we are all in a unique spot in time this very weekend.

Life goes on.

I sat on my front porch, as I often do, hoping to glean something new and encouraging from God's Word that would stabilize my jumbled emotions. I began reading where I opened up, in Isaiah 40. All flesh is grass, and all its loveliness is like the flower of the field. The grass withers, the flower fades. Because the breath of the Lord blows upon it; Surely the people are grass. The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever. and later, Even the youths grow weary, and the young men shall utterly fall, but those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength: They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary,they shall walk and not faint.

Life is under His control. Emotions stabilized.

Saturday ,my 60th birthday was picture perfect(oh yes, I do take pictures!) and an incredibly fun party was being planned for the following day. It is Today , even as I am writing, final preparations by the loving hands of my daughters. Showing love is such hard work and so time consuming, who thinks this is easy? The one who has not given of themselves unselfishly, maybe. But it is definitely an exhausting task to make someone feel the love from one's heart well.

Life is hard work.

The daughters, knowing their mom is a freak about dates, told me they would love to take me to dinner on Saturday night at a really nice restaurant near Margie's house. I was touched by this generosity and giving of their time two days in a row! I would accept! and eagerly waited for Becca to arrive so we could join Margie and go out , without kids. Becca insisted we dress nicely because ,after all, she rarely escaped her three year olds for a minute to herself and she loved dressing up, a fact I knew since her young days.

Life can be very predictable.

Driving to Kennett Square, anticipating a yummy dinner and time with the girls was just so perfect! I was thanking God for His gift to me of children who, although not without faults and quirks of their own, came very close to being just who I needed them to be on almost every occasion. Arriving, we jumped out to Margie's impatient tones letting us know we were a tad behind schedule....

Life does hold some surprises when you least expect them.

Who was this, standing in Margie's living room, laughing and taking pictures of me entering? My mind was confused and not able to compute the new data being entered....friend Leigh from school?next to Cheryl from my old church? next to Margie with a camera ?(that alone a shocker!)my mother from Tennessee? Carolyn and Jean my close church friends? This mix of ladies staring at me didn't even belong together! It felt as though I had stepped back from my own body and there lay a puzzle to be put back together. The room was flickering in candlelight, and there were flowers in various wine bottle vases, the table was set for an elegant dinner party. My mind kept refusing to accept the new information!

Life can be such FUN!

Delicious food[all my favorites!!] intimate friend circle, ambiance beyond expectations, daughters delightful hostesses, mother prioritizing her firstborn on her 60th birthday , even fun presents to open while sipping sangria....what more can an aging single mother of many be blessed with? I absolutely love my children, my mom, my friends and my God.

Life is wonderful, no matter what age, when you are well loved. Imagine ? Today there is another party!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

One son is a lawyer,
Two daughters are nurses,
One daughter had at last count, several new purses.
One son is a waiter,
One son chases thieves,
One son was at last sighting, raking my leaves.
A daughter works in classrooms, teaching her kids to read
While another teaches English, and directs kids with speed.
The two engineers stay busy, are thankful for jobs,
And strangely enough, we haven't any Bobs.
There's the son who's not really a son at all
But he is the one who placed that Mother's Day call!
My eldest is graduating Law School in May
Of which of these I am proudest
I really can't say.
For being a mother of many is tough,
And losing a baby was certainly rough!
For each child is special and each has their flaws
But with each married addition came incredible in-laws!

There is a saying , which started me thinking:
Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
So I started making a few Proverbs of my own for this Mother's Day 2010.

Better to have labored in pain
Than never to have felt a child move in your womb.

Better to have stayed up all night waiting for a child to come home
Than never to have been kissed good night with snuggles.

Better to have no phone calls on Mother's Day
Than have no cell phone numbers to memorize.

Better to be called Grammy
Than to stay young forever.

Better to stay home so as not to play favorites
Than to have no favorites to choose from.

Better leftovers from Friday with love in your heart
Than steak on a plate with no love in sight.

Better to have been left by yourself with children and bills
Than to leave Love behind and head for the hills.

Better to thank God for what you have
Than to complain for what you have not.

Better to share your stories along with your imperfections
Than to force kids to discover your humanity suddenly with no warning!

I actually thought today that perhaps I wasn't too old for more children. Now my own kids would be screaming right now: STOP THE MADNESS!! but there is such an inner desire to keep loving and giving love and receiving it back again , I wonder how to function when days like today occur.

Fortunately, along with the thoughts come the feelings of utter exhaustion, so sanity remains intact.

The emails, Facebook posts, written words on beautiful cards and mugs, scrapbooks, poems, phone calls and none of the above, the very essence of the child themselves, these are the things that make me bow down and worship God, the Creator and Giver and Sustainer of Life. Thank you Heavenly Father for giving ME such beautiful children and grandchildren:

Paul, Allison, Steve,Rebecca, Joel,Margie,Aric,Rachel,Adam,Julie,Joshua,Andrew

See? Not that many.