Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Today I was bored. Margie and the kids came over for a few morning hours so my body was used to an adrenaline high and had a hard time settling down after the 6 of them left. Truthfully, that took 1/2 hour from start to finish(the getting out the door and into the car part...).

It's hot outside which means weeding is not getting done. That's just what I can legitimately say today, I wouldn't weed anyway because that involves bending over or getting on my knees and unless there is a $20 bill laying on the ground(not even a $5 would make me bend) it is just not worth the effort. Plus I honestly had someone tell me last week they liked my garden and the wild look. Hey, it's a style.

Simply being bored is not really something I am comfortable with since the last 35 years have been filled with child raising and teaching and feeding and chasing and who knew there would be moments ahead of grand silence??

So I ran around on the Internet. To illustrate for you how boring I am, I went to the photos on my computer, to the photo web sites I frequent-web shots and shutterfly and then to Hallmark to send a few cards. Why not cheer somebody up in my boredom hours? Well, am I glad I did! because there, tucked away on a link after a link was an interesting and hilarious spot called Lists. I think it was in Hallmark under Shoebox greetings but honestly I was laughing so much I forgot to write it down. In case this works like my college essays I give full credit to someone other than myself for this place and its activities, which seemed to be acquiring funny lists.

It began with List of Phrases I hope aren't used at my funeral:
'moments from rescue' 'cadaver dogs were used to recover her body' and some that I won't mention...then they had a List of Table Names at our wedding if we were Being Truthful: 'People We Didn't Think Would Come', 'Relatives we Haven't Seen in 20 Years', 'The Wealthy', 'People our Parents Insisted We Invite'... you get the picture. As I laughed and read I kept thinking what a great Boring day idea that was- MAKE LISTS! I could make one , Reasons I Don't Go Walking :
'Why Would I?' 'It's Too Hot', Nobody Else is Doing It', 'I Don't Have the Right Outfits', 'My Knees Hurt', 'My Back Hurts too', 'My Shoes Don't Fit', My Shoes are Running Shoes and I am Not Walking','I Might Fall and I Can't Get Up'

Yes, this could be a good way to beat boredom and as I think it through, most of my list ideas came from the days I watched my kids grow up and told them to go for a hike. hmmmm , interesting....

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