Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Autumnal Musings

I am sitting at the computer with a movie blaring behind me and some of the characters are actually in control of the weather, one even named Storm. I don't recommend this movie, I am just tolerating it since the watcher of the movie is making me a pizza(from scratch).

That noisy cinematic stupidity reminds me that I love the fact that only God controls the weather.I know, random blog. I just feel so happy these fall days with the unpredictability of nature. The morning is now quite dark when I wake up and the cloudy darkness can either stay cloudy and dark or turn magically into the most beautiful sunny , blue- skied day!

It rained several days in a row last week, and I had been watching the trees turn from greens to oranges to yellows. Rain meant falling leaves and that meant no vibrant show of reds and oranges, the most brilliant of all fall color schemes! I was disappointed, but determined to make the most of the colors for that single moment in time instead of moaning about what 'might have been'.

The days were getting shorter and shorter with daylight disappearing after appearing to be there only a few short hours each day. Clouds hung heavy in the skies. Inside my little nest called Home , however, I felt a serene sense of warmth and calm, knowing that for every rainy day there was a roof over my head, a tea kettle to turn on, music to play , stories to be read. The time flies by and you become as in a cocoon. I wonder if sometimes little caterpillars do not want to become butterflies as they wait to grow up?

After the rain I noted a brilliant difference in colors outside, satisfied that God intended me to appreciate each stage for it's own value and worth.

I love autumn and I intensely dislike summer. I was taught not to use the word hate, so I will not say "I hate summer", but really, bugs, heat and humidity, mosquitoes, sweating, uncomfortable and ugly swimsuit needs, gardening requirements, my mind truly finds it difficult to find anything positive to say here. Even the idea about God intending us to enjoy each stage leaves me wondering why we must enjoy summer. Furthermore, I have tested this out for many years, since I am no spring chicken, and Fall is still my second favorite season of the four we are given.

I digress. The thoughts I had this evening were very much centered on God , as the Creator, Sustainer and Sovereign of the Universe and in particular of the weather patterns and seasonal changes.

Oh the depths of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God!How unsearchable His judgements, and His paths beyond tracing out. Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been His Counselor? Who has ever given to God, that God should repay Him? For from HIM and through HIM and to HIM are all things, to HIM be the glory forever. amen. [Romans 11:33-36]

I know winter is coming soon. The blue jays appeared in my yard and they always herald the onset of food searching time. I think they are staking their claims on the neighborhood bird feeders. Then , as mentioned, the leaves have disappeared from the trees and are being piled up for noble purposes.

Winter has come quickly behind Halloween festivities for all 59 years of my life thus far, so I am fairly certain that it will follow this year. The weatherman told us today would be cold and rainy, but apparently God wasn't listening to them because it was a Perfect day for all things autumnal. Sunny, bright, slight breeze, a blue sky that made you want to search for clouds and hawks and airplanes flying by, trees shaking their limbs of the remaining leaves as if preparing for a new coat of snow.

Autumn is not the end of a year, it is not the end of summer, it is not the end of anything. It is just Autumn, Fall, Third Season of Four.

Perhaps when we refer to the Autumn of Life we should keep some of these things in mind, to ruminate on when another rainy day sneaks into the forecast. This is what it is, a rainy dreary day , ready to be filled with whatever creative activity we want to fill it with. It is not unplanned by the Creator, it is planned for our journey, for our enjoyment, for a cup of tea perhaps, or a good book.

Surely winter will arrive, the days will become cold and barren and maybe even lonely. Winter is my favorite season! so for me it is a time of withdrawal and rejuvenation and ruminations and enjoyment of nature. I love hearing the weatherman say "snow today in the forecast". I have memories of toboggans and flying saucers slipping down the slopes of snow, of hot cocoa and winter mittens and boots.

My regular thought during the dreaded long nights of winter is simply this: Spring is right around the corner.

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