Sunday, November 7, 2010

Different families, Same God

Sometimes I just feel like writing. Maybe it comes when I have nobody to talk to, or when the cat annoys me, or when the sun is streaming onto the fallen leaves and the air is chilly when I go get my newspaper from the end of the driveway. [BTW, was that a run on sentence?]

Today is busy and yesterday was busy and last week was busy and I need a break. The reason I need a break isn't because I am too tired , but rather because my head is full. On Facebook this week I alluded to it when status updating that my head was like a closet, full of stuff that needed sorting, rather than waiting for a seasonal overhaul.

The problem being, I am introspective, I suspect, and the issues of life, if properly processed, need to be thought slowly through. Most people live the life of a microwave, and I want to live life as a crockpot. When the kids were younger it was definitely a pressure cooker life style, but aren't things after age 60(did I mention I am that old?!?) supposed to be easier?
I know, a random picture, but it made me feel happy, so I inserted it :-) When you write a random blog, you can do anything you want to.

Today is a young friend's birthday. Not unusual, of course, but the fact is I miss this young person's happy smile and warm personality.
 That is exhibit B, on the far right, February 2008, Andy's birthday)

I wrote a greeting on her Facebook Wall under her assumed name, but have no idea if she will ever get it. I also have no idea how her life is , because 2 years ago she disappeared off the planet with her girlfriend. She was my son Andrew's best friend since childhood, and her MIA hit many of us hard. What would make a young , enthusiastic, vital young well loved person just leave? This question has plagued me often and today it just makes me more crazy trying to think it through. I am terrified of one of my children doing the same thing, Perhaps I am more sensitive to this than most people since in January 2002 my husband David did the same thing. Just disappeared.

Coincidentally, a new baby girl is being baptized this afternoon , her great grandfather performing the ceremony, her parents proudly participating, along with other loving family members and friends. They will be trusting God, the True, Faithful, Father of all our special babies,to be covenanting with them to bring Baby N into His Kingdom, in His time.  Does this mean she will be guaranteed entrance into the Kingdom of God? Absolutely not, and they are well aware of it. As they publicly join with their Covenant Family to ask for prayer and commitment to this task of teaching her about Jesus Christ, their young hearts will be filled with Hope and Joy and Love beyond measure. Hope that in Jesus Christ , when  Baby N is able to understand and grasp how deep the Father's love is for her, she will accept Him as her personal Savior. Joy, that He has invited them into His Kingdom and as part of His loving blessings, He has included this little girl into their tasks of jobs to do for Him- raise her in the Love of the Lord.

So, back to my Covenant Friend, Exhibit B. This girl was raised in the church, by loving parents and surrounded by youth pastors and friends and neighbors who cared. There were prayers for her throughout her entire life. I know this because I personally and fervently have prayed for her, for her salvation and safety and understanding of the Gospel .
I love her deeply, cannot imagine the pain of her parents and siblings as she stays gone. And yet.....

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. God is still in control of His Kingdom, His people, His Church and His children.

There are 3 sets of parents in my blog. The new Baby N mom and dad, waiting for the Baptism and Blessings this afternoon, trusting the past faithful covenant keeping God; my older, seasoned, hurting parents of Miss B friends , having entrusted their daughter's birthday and life to God, living now, experiencing God's grace day by day; and me, the single mom who is unpacking her closet of issues involving her children, wondering if the future will be rocky or smooth. I am also trusting God the Father of the future for His grace, His love, and His mercy to my children.

Jesus Christ, the same Yesterday, mom and dad, Today, mom and dad, and Forever, mom and dad.
Now it is time to go Worship my King.

1 comment:

Samantha said...

what beautiful words! I love your blog. Thanks for writing this about my baby N!