Friday, May 18, 2012

MY Birthday!!!

Well, since I just wrote a blog about hating Mother's Day, it is interesting that I had a strong desire to share how much I LOVE my birthday!! It is probably all inter-connected somehow, but it is way too early to think that one through.

Let me share about my birthday!!

 Andrew, my youngest son, had given me this beautiful original painting that he spent hours painting, so his talent and  love for me was already warming my heart when I awoke to the sound of rain pouring down outside. Certainly am glad I did not choose to have a beach day like I originally thought about :-)!

 First activity of the day was a doctor's appointment, with blood-work. My veins are the kind that play hide and seek with any lab technician that isn't up for a good challenge, so I particularly love this fun. It helps to enjoy the entire rest of the day if you start out with the worst possible scenario, so I did. For good measure, I gained a wad of weight, making my self image close to the edge of destruction....but never-you-mind, I still love birthdays!!

Splashing out to the car after my successful fasting bloodwork , I was particularly thankful that daughter Margie had suggested we meet and eat at a local breakfast place before I had to be at work. Here is what I can tell you: YUM. Showing you is better....

Yes, a caramelized onion with Gouda cheese fresh square bagel with scrambled eggs , fresh mozzarella cheese, sliced tomatoes and a pesto -to- die- for ...oh. my . goodness. gracious. breakfast.

Then there was the cute little face , also a little squarish , silly smiley grin showing through as she delved into her square sandwich bagel......
Bianca always makes a birthday better!

 She is my twin, too, by the way.

Insert work in my birthday here. Think there is nothing special about work on your Birthday? Think again, or work at a school filled with hilarious kids!! During lunch we take time to silently cheer anyone who is having a birthday, so as the little peeps silently cheered me , it set the stage for a gazillion Happy Birthday Mrs. Ribeiro greetings ahead! There was even a song in AfterSchool, my stomping grounds!

This taken immediately after I had gone to the kitchen for water and returned to my room completely emptied of kids-they were hiding in an art closet ...'to surprise me'. Surprise Surprise. :-)
They then burst into their rendition of the Happy Birthday song.

Work went by quickly and I even received beautiful gifts from friends there, making it especially fun!

Presents are not always what I think will make me happiest~ after all, people do not need to give me a gift to show me their love. But , then again, that being said, for clarification and all.....LOVE the feeling that someone thought of me, shopped for me, spent their very hard earned money on ME, and then waited expectantly to see if I liked what they got me. Now that makes me happy.

After work, I was happy to find several birthday cards, emails and phone messages to shower me with encouragement and love!! I am a LOVE those CARDS kind of gal, and even at age 62, (ugh) they light up my life rather brightly!!

Next stop on the birthday train: Dinner !! The original invitation by daughter Julie was a quick dinner to the local Mexican Restaurant, which I was anticipating happily, but the change in plans was phenomenal!!

One of the best steaks I have ever tasted! thanks to quality in cows and cooks! 

Furthermore, there was entertainment.....

Basketball playing rabbit and grandson!!

Have I mentioned I love Birthdays!!!?!!!

1 comment:

Shawna said...

I'm glad you had such a great birthday! I feel the same way about them and never understand those people who act like they hate them.