Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Perfect Present

Whatever happened to the days when you knew immediately what gift to buy someone for their birthday?

I am, by nature, a gift -giving girl. Some people insist that they don't want gifts or need anything and I am among those, but as far as Giving of gifts, my compulsion is to always find the Perfect Present.Trust me, if you are one of my friends, a neighbor of mine , a co-worker or family member, I have thought of how to present you with a present.

The occasions are many for this gift giving compulsion. You might be celebrating a new job or a new puppy has entered the family. There might have been a special time that just began , as in , grand parenting for the first time. Perhaps it is a new home that you have acquired that falls under my category of discovering the warmest housewarming treasure. A broken leg? No problem, I can scour the stores and bring you a nice pair of socks that goes over the cast. Do you see my nature? Sometimes it drives me crazy, since it isn't a turn off and on sort of quality. It just exists within me, and ignoring it results in much frustration and even sadness.

There are people who make gifts, like the crafty types, or the woodworking types. My son-in-law Steve is like that. He can just hammer a nail or saw a board and voila! a table is created. (OK, it might take him a few minutes but really it appears to be fairly magical in nature...)Daughter Rachel has made some pretty significant jewelry pieces in her day , so I have seen this type of craft person create gifts as well. My sister Janet made me a CD of favorite family songs last Christmas, and even as one of my all time favorite gifts to receive I have No clue how she compiled those melodies, taking them from computer to reality.

I am taking a long time to get to my point, in an effort to delay the inevitable.

Today is November 18, 2008. It is an ordinary day for most people around the globe. I assume there are some occasions needing to be celebrated by others, gifts to be purchased, crafted or hammered. Undoubtedly it is an ordinary day for a majority of folks, lives running along smoothly like well oiled machines.

However, my gift giving nature is being stretched to the maximum on this particular moment in history and my thoughts have buzzed around and circled in my brain like bees over a honey pot. What could possible cause this frenzy and abruptly halt the Queen of Gifts For Every Holiday?

David is 62. David Marcos my former husband, partner for life, father of my 7 children, the most significant male in my life after my dad, the man who chose to run early at age 55 back to his home country of Brazil instead of weathering the storms of mid-life and life in these United States with a family and wife chosen in his youth. That David, he is 62 years old today. The Perfect Present has elusively flitted and floated around my head for days while my logical brain has worked overtime in reminding me he is GONE. My emotional brain has been sad and stuck in a place most divorced people climb into from time to time.
The sentimental brain has listed all of the perfect presents I got him in the past(over 32 of them - double that for Christmas!)and wondered if he remembers any of them,with a fleeting sense of nostalgia, even today as he celebrates this milestone in his homeland?

Well, I did it! I figured out the Perfect Present and am so relieved!!It came in the nick of time since today is the big day!! The part of my brain that I needed to tap into was the my Spirit-filled brain, my God-focused, God-loving , God-trusting brain.
I will pray for David Marcos, a prayer that encompasses all of the possible gifts he could want or need, all that he cannot comprehend are his because of the grace of Jesus Christ. This prayer will come from a place far more costly than a fine department store or a shopping catalogue. The creative factor is given back to God Himself as He promises in the book of Romans.

"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself prays for us with groans that words cannot express. And He Who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will." [Romans chapter 8, verses 26,27]

1 comment:

Timmers said...

I pray the Lord will restore what the locusts have eaten. I pray for peace and strength and understanding for everyone touched by David's decision. Most of all, I want you to know you are loved and cherished by many. Oh yeah, I stubbed my toe today. Is there a gift for that?