Sunday, October 30, 2011

I am looking outside on a beautifully crispy, cool autumn day, feeling a tiny chill . I turned the temperature to 65* on the house thermostat schedule, because normally it is 62* when I am not home. 65* seemed warm when I first rolled out of that downy comforter covered bed, after a solid night of sleep, but inactivity is causing my body to want warmth instead of exercize.

snow, fall leaves...chilly
 It is pretty much like that in all of life, isn't it? I would much rather do the easy thing, turn the heat up, rather than the more profitable thing - exercise? The result is warmth either way, one is good for me, one is not as good, but not bad.

Makes me wonder about life lessons that I have endorsed all of my life, things we teach our kids, and then discover later that perhaps we assumed what we were taught was Truth rather than opinion.

I think all of my rambling thoughts actually began this morning as I was thinking about a party I had last night with a few friends. It appeared successful ~ women stayed late, ate the food, drank the wine, interspersed laughter and solemnity in equal amounts. The recipe for success was there, so in my analytical mind my assumption was it was good. Then I wondered if my mind was a reliable source, for in the mind we have two sides sparring constantly. The side of Truth and the side of opinion.

 Earlier today, as I conversed with God, my ultimate Truth,( for He is Truth and He always speaks the Truth) I realized the dilemma quite plainly. I needed friends to help me sort it all out. Help me balance the good feelings and the bad feelings and move outside of my own mind, which tends to declare everything Black or White, rarely allowing shades of gray. Something can be good without being Great or Horrible, those two opposing opinions vying for front row seats in my brain.

I was brought up to believe many things, some of which were Truth, like Who God Is. Some things I was taught are just opinion , like the man earns the wage and the woman cares for the home. Or this one: Thanksgiving dinner can only be served after the men return from deer hunting! ;-) Isn't that a Great opinion?!? Love that one!

Steve works in the kitchen and is a deer hunter-let's ask him... :-)
 Here is a Truth- God loves His children to worship Him in spirit and in truth, and attending church is one way to obey Him. It seems to be the best way for His blessing, His glory and the American cultural scenario to be upheld. However, I also am sure, in my humble opinion, that today, across the world and in other cultures and circumstances, God's people are able to glorify Him and be blessed outside of the church.

Maybe that brings me full circle to what I was thinking as I got up and flipped my house temperature up to 70*, rather than jogging out the door, to warm my body. I am still warm, but as with church attendance, my soul is more blessed, and my body more healthy, if I would just GO.


Heritage Presbyterian Church- GO!

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