Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Simply snooping

This morning I decided to snoop amongst the bloggers along the Blogging Trail. It was interesting , to say the least, somewhat more boring than I'd imagined and noteworthy. The things I noted were obviously not original thoughts on my part, but I am pondering these , nonetheless.

First, many blogs are outdated. There were many written in 2010 and no updated developments. I think there might be a tendency to create a great Blog and over time, the enthusiasm gives way to the daily.

Secondly, the Blogs I saw were often about health issues or young mother issues. As people go through health crises I think they need an outlet of caring and positive reinforcement, so oftentimes this is an acceptable way to receive it. Young families, on the other hand, think their child is the most adorable , precious commodity available on the market, so are overly enthusiastic in sharing their cuteness. As a personal aside note~ all kids are adorable, don't you think?

Examples from my world :

See what I am talking about? I have 11 grandchildren, 7 children, 5 spouses of the 5 children who are married, and I consider my kids. Of course they are adorable, but would be simply B-O-R-I-N-G if all I Blogged about was them.

Tonight when I return from work, that clearly important time gobbler of my world, I intend to Blog more deep thoughts. Deep Thoughts are overrated, it may be a shallow scribbling continuing...but for sure it will be a surprise. Don't you love surprises?  :-)

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