Sunday, May 4, 2008

What a Week!

I repeat, what a week!

It began in the middle of an ordinary spring week, cool evenings, warming daytime temps, promising a flower-filled Spring.

I received an email asking for prayer for a dying friend. Steve was 51 and was not dying the last time I encountered him late last Fall. We had both been at the same lawyer's office for a free consultation regarding our sons' latest escapades, and we mutually agreed we were getting too old, too fast.How could he be in renal failure and at death's door?? So I prayed for God's strength for all his sons and his wife, as well as healing should God allow. God's choice was death and so we grieve this too young father. At almost the same moment in time, I received another email, sharing the good news of my daughter's new niece arriving in wonderfully great health! I again prayed, asking God for continued grace and blessings on this very new almost family. Death and life intertwined.

On Thursday, my grandson Eliot, the oldest,first one of the wonderful ten,became 7 years old and we celebrated with a chihuahua party(as only a 7 year old can!)! Along with that particularly fun celebration we included the 2nd birthday milestone of Ethan, our Cinco de Mayo baby of daughter Julie. Oh my, what a party!!Who hasn't a fond memory of a 'pin-the-hat on the something 'game??(Yes, it was a chihuahua...)?or an appetizer labeled dog poop, when in fact it was chocolate covered raisins?(Ok, maybe this one isn't so common, I'll give you that)

Eliot's birth was so joyous and exciting , the intiation of my husabnd and I into the world of grandparenting. It is, I soon discovered, the best kept secret of aging, and I am so thrilled that I am in the Club!!We don't all wear Red hats or dress in Purple, but we do all carry wallets filled with photos and a story to match anybody else's who is bragging....

On the day my first grandson came home from the hospital, my only daddy went home to Heaven, suddenly and without warning after a brief phone call to me telling me how thrilled he was in becoming a great grandfather. Seven years later and I still cried this afternoon as I thought about him and how he took me fishing at a place I am not even sure exists anymore when I was oh- so- young-and-innocent. I still miss him so much. Life and Death interwoven.

In spite of(or was it because of??) the sadnesses mixed with the happinesses, I chose to visit Ocean City NJ yesterday with daughter Becca and her twin 18 month old babies! They had never seen the OCEAN and the wonder of that experience was one I eagerly anticipated as we drove to south Jersey merrily singing along to baby music.

Perhaps not too beneath the surface of my emotionally charged mind, was the birthday memory of another set of twins 24 years earlier on April 30th. Ben and brother Simon were born and shortly thereafter raised by 2 different mothers, but loved by both, even countries and oceans apart. The paths of these mothers crossed, and by God's divine design, the women are now friends. Brother Benjamin, however, our precious Benny, died about 18 months ago. His birthday is but a reminder to those of us who knew him, that truly God is the Creator of mankind, giver and taker of life. Life and Death separating.

My blog name is appropriately named, since I really have nothing more profound to say than my own observations, scribblings, and feelings... and yet, sometimes, I wonder...without knowing God , how do people handle this kind of week?

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